Friday, November 19, 2010

Pole Parties.........

Pole Parties are they really about only learning a supposed art of stripping and as some say seduction or are you interested in shaping up and toning down?
 The facts vs the Fiction!
Pole Dancing classes are in actual studios popping up all around the country and there are probably is one in your actual neighborhood. There are no classes to be strippers, or exotic dancers. Classes do not start with tearing off your clothes or slapping your butt. Beginning exercises are done on the floor. 2nd level exercises are done on the chair. Third level exercises are done on the pole. There are no exercises involving tearing off your clothes.
Most studios do not allow male students. Pole dancing will be in the 2012 Olympics in Sydney, Australia for a trial period run. Most women do not wear nylons, spiked heels or bring boa's to the work-out with them. Most of the ladies come in leotards, jogging pants and t-shirts. This is not what some will call exactly fun. As they some would say "Much Pain, little Gain". Much as a football player or runner has to do weeks and months of training so do pole dancers. Climbing a 9 foot pole with just your hands, hanging upside down and twirling like a ballerina takes a lot more upper strength then the average person would ever think to possess. 
The actual "Pole Party" is done at a professional studio for insurance and liability reasons. A professional instructor gives a group of 10 or more girls a a few exercises on the floor/chair/pole and teaches the group a few moves on the pole. The Elegant Pleasure Party consultant reserves the studio and the instructor for the group. The Elegant Pleasure Party consultant also has a little goody bag for each member of the party . Groups ARE usually between 10-15 girls for one instructor and 2 instructors for 16 to 25 girls.
The shoes pictured are typical of the shoes used by pole dancer students. the reason being not for the heel though more so for the strap that goes around the ankle. Safety is much more important then fashion in the studio. You are not there to impress or undress. You are here to burn fat, tone your body and build muscle. When your husband goes to the gym and cries like a baby when he gets home as his trainer made him actually put out some effort. You can brag how you also worked your ass off and even show the bruises you acquired through your work out with the chair and your pole burns.

Left him laugh as you pinch his fat and just walk away smiling.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Undressing Your Lover

Undressing Your Lover............Many people believe that undressing starts and occurs only in the bedroom. Many people believe undressing should only occur at night when the lights are out, the curtains are closed and the shades are down. Undressing after we are a little drunk, a little tired, a little of this and a little of that. Many people would be surprised to hear that undressing is not about taking off clothes. Undressing should not begin in the bedroom though in the kitchen. Not at night when the lights are out though in the morning when no lights are needed. AS we wake not as we are about to go to sleep. Undressing is less about sex and more about ourselves. I need to take away my thoughts of myself. I need to take off my overcoat of the work day as i walk through the door. I need to take my shirt off and give myself to my wife. After dinner I need to take off my shoes and my gloves. As I take my lovers shoes off, her socks/nylons and massage her feet. Massaging her legs, inner thighs, and between her toes. As I make a moment of pleasure a moment of time undressing. Undressing from my work day and hers. I ask her how she feels as I massage and kiss her neck. As I unclasp her bra I rub lotion on her back. I ask her for her thoughts, pains, and fears. I share my own when asked and sometimes when not.
I smile as she sleeps undressing her with my eyes as well as my heart. Any anger and disappointment was left when I last touched her breast or kissed her lips. I looked at her with eyes closed and wondered when I would next leave any negatives and replace them with passion. I remember the first kiss and the last. I never forget the joys of undressing her as I run errands for her or even as I hold her or brag about her to friends, and family. I undress her in the morning, at lunch as I chat for just a moment. At dinner through traffic as i wonder how her day may have been. I undress her as i wash the dishes and mop the floor. As kiss her neck and re-learn her curves again and again. Undressing is not about sex it is about life, love and myself. When one never undresses for what ever the reason they hurt not only themselves, though also their lover and every life in-between.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Are You Afraid ?
Are you in  Afraid ?
Fear is the greatest negative emotion and element that we as people have to deal with. A lot of people may think little of scaring a child, teen, baby or even an adult with a little trick or childish prank. Many would think it is funny, yet when the tables are turned and they are made to crap or piss in their pants they are no longer smiling. What happens when they jump every-time someone yells BOO! Why is everything so different. Halloween is actually the least of the BOO scenarios. Fearful to undress in the daylight? Run around the house naked with no one home but your mate. Are you afraid to exercise alone? Try avocados with ice cream and cherries? (disgusting you say) Have you tried it? How bout pouring warm  chocolate on your lovers chest and licking every drop until you are frenzied with passion. Have you tried or are you afraid? Have you been to a nude beach or skinny dipped alone or with a friend or are you afraid? Have you admired yourself in a mirror with your face covered so you see just your body. Or are you afraid ? Can you love yourself? Or are you afraid? 
Forplay Costumes 2010
Why? Do you sleep in the nude? shorts? T-shirt ? Sheets Blanket ? Full body Armor ? 34 pounds of blankets and quilts? I am not saying anything is wrong with anyone of these or that they are linked to fear of anything. There are reasons though ; some may be good and some bad, some may be still needed while some may not. Sleeping in a bed with other family members may mean a reason for not sleeping in the nude as well as living in Alaska. You may even feel warmer and more secure with full body armor. What if ? If you had only a sheet? or no shirt or just a shirt? What would happen if you threw away all your white sheets and bought only green. Went outside to get the mail with no shoes? Would someone scream? Would you bleed? I remember the first time I did something really bad. Something frowned upon by so many. Oh I was so bad!!!! I pushed past boundaries set up by other people. Telling me what was bad and what was not. The first time I cut a high school class. Walked through the house naked. Drove from one city to another. Told my mother what I really thought of my sister. Stole that first kiss from my sweetheart.
Forplay Costumes 2010
Silly? Go to something Wild? Meet you mate at the door as he/she arrives from work/shopping with nothing but glass of Champagne (nudity required). Do something unexpected! Break the mold! Arrive at work 10 minutes early. Stay 10 minutes late. Take a shower with your mate. Ask your children what there favorite day would be like and try to make it happen. Take the long way to work, avoid the high ways, invite a competitor to lunch. Try something new, something crazy, something soooooo bad !!!! You scream the entire time and then do it again and again until it is scary or bad but good and enjoyable. Make yourself wonder why it took you so long to explore the wild side. not just of yourself, your life though also your mate and their life as well.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Business or Pleasure (Friends and Customers are not the Same)

Are you my my friend or my customer. Can you be both? No. If you are my customer we have to take care of business first. You have to pay the piper.  I have to service you as my customer. Then we can party. Friends and family are in general the worst customers. Expecting more while giving less. I in general do not look to friends or families for business unless I am heading for bankruptcy. Are you as my friend going to pay my full price knowing I am charging you a premium over my cost? Do you really care if your purchase is going to pay my electricity for the month or my mortgage or even the supplies needed for the job. As my friend or family you expect a discount. I sure would like a discount from my supplier, banker, even the gasoline man myself. I will not get one nor do I expect one. Even if we do go drinking with him or even if he is married to my sister. How bout asking the District Attorney who you play poker with for a break on sending your cousin to jail for a robbery or murder charge ? Probably not. Will Uncle Phil give you a break on the $25000 back taxes you owe to the I.R.S. how about selling me your house for less then you regardless of what it's really worthy. If so then I definitely want to be part of your family! If I did as you

then I would have to charge my non family customers double or even triple to make up for my loss. Do you think they would understand? Probably not. This means that I either treat everyone the same or I can not do business with family or no one at all. I prefer to treat everyone the same. My family and friends may not appreciate this though I am sure my other customers do so much that I don't need any friends just enemies who i do business with. This may seem harsh or unfair. You have to understand though I once sold 3 pieces of lingerie to a friend of a business associate of mine.

These three pieces sold for $70 a piece Retail. She choose to buy only 2 as one did not fit. I then agreed to sell her the other two at my cost (50% discount). I even agreed to wait two weeks for my payment. Gee I am such a "NICE GUY". I have not received any payment nor any merchandise back. This incident  happened 6 months ago. I have taken it as a bad debt and am in the process of filing a dispute in court.
         Another example was a fellow business associate who had arranged for a Private Pole Party Class for a group of 10 or more. She was nice in that she did not pre-charge the 13 women that were supposed to show up. And she only charged them her cost which was $15 a person. She made no money at all. Only the studio and instructor. 1 person showed up to accept her kind gift. She lost over $150 for her kindness. Business is great when you have no friends it seems and horrible when you do.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Temp or Perm. Full or Part. Contract or Freelance
Today in our new work place we our trying to re-develop the way we relate and look at work as it now vastly different then it was 20 years ago. Our parent told us do not go for temporary jobs, seasonal jobs, or part time jobs as they were a waste of our time. I was told never to quit a job, to let them fire you first. I remember even telling a McDonald Store Trainer; I couldn't wait till I got a real job. We were also told not to quit a job without notice or to quit a job before we had another one. Each statement had its merits, reasons and thought before it.
I have to say that today we tell our children none of these things. Some of us were even told to join the military or to forget college and get a job. Starting our own business, freelancing or going for whatever we could get was out of the question. Now though we tell our children to stay away from military recruiters and even forbid them from talking to our children.
Instead as a way of life or a ticket to an education or skill they are looked at as the grim reaper. College is looked at as a way to get free money from the government or at least some good loans we put in forbearance for 10 good years.College is also a place to hide out in until the job market recovers or at least until we decide what we want to do with our life. Education is the last on the list though. We long longer think of a career as a career . No more gold watches, 20 year anniversary dinners or 30 year plaques. We no longer think of 401Ks as a guarantee. Unlike the 1920's when if you had a job any job you were considered a success or if you were a Land owner you had stability. Now we have people walking away from their homes with inflated mortgages and coming back to rent that same house for a lower amount from the very banker who threatened them before now are glad you have the 1st months rent and deposit. Thankful now that he can take it off the REO list.

We do not sniff our noses at washing dishes or cleaning toilets anymore as we are competing with our family doctor or lawyer for that job. Or we have starting our own business and brag that we clean the most toilets, for the least money.  We even have our own website with packages and prices. Usually designed by our 12 year old or our high school friend forgotten but not lost and we now reunite for a reduced business deal. We meet up with Millionaires on Social Networking sites that piss us off daily for a few words of wisdom that will enable us to reach thew next level before sell our car to pay the lawyers fee for bankruptcy court. Yes indeed things have changed and how we would live it differently if we had ionly known is title of another story.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Social Networking.......Is it Bringing us together or Tearing us apart ?

Forplay Costumes
          It all began in the Late 80's with CompuServe, Genie, Apple-link, and the BBB's. Now 30 years later all of the former is gone and forgotten. All that technology that we were afraid of 30 years ago is here while the scare has been all but forgotten, eliminated or buried in sole old 70"s flick by Orson Wells. Big Brother is here. He not only owns are data, our contacts, our friends he also owns our life. We our connected at work, at home and even as we drive, walk or fly. He is Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Linkedin, and a hundred other Social sites.
Dream Girl Lingerie

           Big Brother has us now connected. To a bunch of computers that own everything we own. Is this an asset? Do we like this? If we had a choice and could have left computers in the office and not our homes. Would we? How about all those letters, pictures, post it notes, diary's, and ramblings we wrote. What of them ? no longer on paper in shoe boxes under the bed. The computer owns them. What happens when we make the computer mad? Forget to push the save button or can not pay the internet bill ? Will the computer be nice and give them back? Only with a court order. Are we closer to our friends or just our enemies.
          Social networking. We need a new definition. How bout Social Marketing ? If you go to your average social site on the internet you will find hundreds of ads. Not just for soap or peanut butter which are sadly missing now if you think about it. Ads about all that worthless junk that you delete daily or that gets sent to your junk folder. Petitions about saving Whales in India, breaking boards in Denmark and even protesting on political platforms. You might even see an ad about my blog. For $50 a day I could advertise too and so can you. Cheaper then radio and less time consuming to get to production then TV.
          Social Games. Now we have games that we can play with or against our friends while we are networking "socially with our friends and enemies", being "socially Marketed to" and now we can play games. Let us not forget the hearts, drinks, roses and teddy bears we can all so send to all our friends. Not enough friends sending you internet beers? Then buy some internet beers with your Visa card. A $100 buys a lot of internet beers for  a lot of friends. Have your Internet friends replaced your real friends? Or have we become to busy or reliant. Have we sold our independence for mere pennies.
Forplay Costumes