Thursday, November 11, 2010

Undressing Your Lover

Undressing Your Lover............Many people believe that undressing starts and occurs only in the bedroom. Many people believe undressing should only occur at night when the lights are out, the curtains are closed and the shades are down. Undressing after we are a little drunk, a little tired, a little of this and a little of that. Many people would be surprised to hear that undressing is not about taking off clothes. Undressing should not begin in the bedroom though in the kitchen. Not at night when the lights are out though in the morning when no lights are needed. AS we wake not as we are about to go to sleep. Undressing is less about sex and more about ourselves. I need to take away my thoughts of myself. I need to take off my overcoat of the work day as i walk through the door. I need to take my shirt off and give myself to my wife. After dinner I need to take off my shoes and my gloves. As I take my lovers shoes off, her socks/nylons and massage her feet. Massaging her legs, inner thighs, and between her toes. As I make a moment of pleasure a moment of time undressing. Undressing from my work day and hers. I ask her how she feels as I massage and kiss her neck. As I unclasp her bra I rub lotion on her back. I ask her for her thoughts, pains, and fears. I share my own when asked and sometimes when not.
I smile as she sleeps undressing her with my eyes as well as my heart. Any anger and disappointment was left when I last touched her breast or kissed her lips. I looked at her with eyes closed and wondered when I would next leave any negatives and replace them with passion. I remember the first kiss and the last. I never forget the joys of undressing her as I run errands for her or even as I hold her or brag about her to friends, and family. I undress her in the morning, at lunch as I chat for just a moment. At dinner through traffic as i wonder how her day may have been. I undress her as i wash the dishes and mop the floor. As kiss her neck and re-learn her curves again and again. Undressing is not about sex it is about life, love and myself. When one never undresses for what ever the reason they hurt not only themselves, though also their lover and every life in-between.

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